While Long Range Benchrest, F-Class, and ELR competitors may want to measure their powder charges very precisely using expensive Force Restoration scales, for many shooting disciplines, a good thrown charge will do the job. And now, with Forster’s very smooth and precise new Bench Rest Powder Measure, many shooters may want to try throwing their charges. We honestly think you may be surprised at how accurate and repeatable this new measure is…
If you’ve been looking for a simple, efficient way to measure and throw your powder charges, you should give Forster’s Bench Rest® Powder Measure a try. The design of the cast-iron constructed tool features a long, narrow, powder charge reservoir that minimizes shearing, even with long extruded powders. Forster says, with most powders, and a little operator practice, this new Bench Rest Powder Measure can “achieve repeatability within 1/10th of one grain while throwing a charge every 4 seconds.”
Here are comments from two early testers:
“Forster’s Powder Measure throws the IMR stick powders I use (IMR 4895, 4064, 4320) easier and more accurately than the other measures I have owned, those being Redding, Hornady, Belding & Mull.”
– Chris Straughn, longtime reloader and tool aficionado“Forster’s Bench Rest Powder Measure is a welcome addition to any bench. The precision design and CAST IRON construction of this measure is part of the Forster tradition. The heart of the measure is the measuring chamber contained in the massive cast iron Charging Arm. The mass of the arm in conjunction with the small Cutting Surface in the measure itself provides for the smoothest rotation of any measure on the market. Large IMR extruded powders do not impede the smooth operation of the Bench Rest Powder Measure making it the most repeatable measure on the market.” — Vernon Smith, engineer and reloader since 1974
The Powder Measure (order number 010631) and optional Stand (order number 017941) are now available for sale and ready for immediate shipment. You can purchase direct from Forster or from leading retailers Grafs & Sons, and Midsouth Shooters.
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