Image from Octane 45 HD suppressor review. SWR is now a part of SilencerCo.
Here is a cool video that shows the entire production process for a SilencerCo Octane pistol suppressor start to finish. Beginning with the raw materials, this video shows a wide variety of cutting, milling, drilling, burnishing, fitting, metal bathing, surface finishing, and laser etching processes.
If you have any interest in production methods you’ll want to watch this video all the way through, and maybe a second time.
SilencerCo states: “From cutting metal to chemical baths, to extensive quality control every step of the way, our streamlined process is more than just a few steps.” We think you may be surprised by how many steps are involved in producing this silencer (aka “suppressor”).
The Octane is a user-maintainable, multi-caliber centerfire pistol silencer featuring a modular mounting system for use across a wide range of hosts. High strength, stainless steel CTA™ (Click Together Assembly) baffles are easily disassembled for cleaning. This design makes the Octane one of the most durable small-caliber suppressors on the market.
In its Octane 45 review, SilencerShop notes: “When it comes to ease of maintenance, the Octane 45 is probably the simplest .45 suppressor on the market. It uses the new click-together baffle system from Silencerco/SWR – which allows the suppressor to come apart like a monocore suppressor, while providing performance that is closer to a K-Baffle design.””
Metal Rods Being Cut
Heat Treating Components in Furnace
Hand-Finishing Internal Components
Parts Getting Ready for Metal Treatment
Computer-Controlled Milling
Liquid Chemical Bath
Laser Text Etching on Outer Tube
Final Assembly of Baffles in Tube